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03 July 2010

bikram yoga, class 11 -- so much better

i skipped class yesterday to get a massage and nurse my cramps. today, i didn't want to go because my cramps were so bad. even as i drove there, i was sure i wouldn't be able to even stay in the room. but i went anyway. as soon as class started, my cramps released and i did one of my strongest classes yet. the temperature was just a little cooler today than it has been the last few times i've gone and it seemed to make all the difference in the world.

there wasn't much new or different about today's class, only the huge relief when i left the yoga room feeling so much better than when i went in.

afterwards, amy and i hosted a few ladies for a summer dinner of pesto, pasta from athens ohio, a zucchini/summer squash/fire roasted tomato sauce, and fresh tomato slices with salt and pepper -- all purchased at the austin farmer's market today.

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