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22 June 2010

bikram yoga, class 3

my third class in a row. sunday, monday, and today is tuesday.

i entered the yoga room today with a headache -- one i've had since my first yoga class a few days ago.

i was tired, sore, tight, wondering when i will ever start to feel better.

for the first 45 minutes of class, i just surrendered. i could barely keep my arms up for the very first breathing exercise, the first pose was excruciating and they mostly just kept getting worse and harder. i couldn't even focus on the teacher, what she was saying, my body, breathing or anything. i just watched other people and put my body in some semblance of the poses they were doing, my body at least recognizing the way from constant repetition. i was oblivious to everything except just watching myself struggle in the mirror and trying to keep up with the class. balancing postures were especially hard for me today and i couldn't get past the first step in each of them.

by the end of class, i felt energized. my bikram sit ups were getting more powerful and precise and clean. i moved through the entire floor series (the last 30-40 minutes of class) feeling really good and strong. the last sit up of the day, my legs stayed on the floor, my core stayed strong.

when i left class, i realized my headache was gone. later tonight i realized the soreness in my throat muscles is gone. my sternocletomastoid has released, my shoulders are looser, my legs less sore and generally i just feel good. not great yet but good and strong and alive.

on my way . . .

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