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12 November 2007

To go or to stay . . .

How can I possibly want two things with the same intensity that are exactly the opposite of each other? How can I want so badly to travel and at the same time want so badly a home? Is it possible to have both? Is it possible to live somewhere and travel freely? Can I really have everything I want?

Every time I read my friend Wade's stories of traveling the world (see the link in upper left corner), I get this uncomfortable sensation that I know all too well. Restlessness. The need to move and see the world. Yet, I keep delaying this movement. Keep feeling pulled back by my desire to set some roots and follow a dream. To know a place as well as I know my own rough, wrinkly and calloused hands. I am both happy and restless. I do not have the boldness of my younger years and yet I do truly believe that I can have both: a home and a wanderlust.

I have to constantly remind myself that the romantic notion and reality of travel that Wade lives by never really worked for me, though he does it brilliantly. I know my self. I get restless for home when I'm on the road and I get restless for the road when I'm at home. I could never travel the world for eight years or even 3 years. I love my nest as much as I love the next bend around the corner. And one without the other makes me feel like I'm constantly falling over. My Gemini rising keeps me moving, my Taurus moon keeps me grounded and my Libra sun strives to find just the right balance between the two.

If you ever dreamed of traveling the world and didn't do it, then read Wade's blog. It will make you want to crawl out of your skin, or just put on your boots and start walking. Or if you just want to read the stories of a vagabond traveler, follow the link in the upper left corner. You never know where you'll end up.

1 comment:

Wade Vagabond Journey.com said...

Hello again, Sara Rose,

So we meet in a different place . .yet again. But only this time I can not tell if you are laughing at my jokes.

But first off, if you want your header picture to be smaller you have to first edit it in another program . .. using paint would be easiest. You just open the photo with it and go to sketch/ skew . . .you could also crop it if you want. Then you can upload it to your blog . . .that would probably be the best way.

Secondly, I am still your friend, of course, but i have a hard time knowing what is not right in front of me. I did not mean to stay out of contact with you for so long . . I did not have a motive behind it. . ..it is just the way things sometimes happen. We come into each other's lives at set moments, you know.

hehehe. Anyway, have you been remembering to laugh everyday?

Did you really leave Niches?

Good movem I say . .. you did that already, did you not?

I use to like calling you there in the middle of the night and knowing that you were rolling out of bed in a log cabin.

Traveling and being at home are not really at odds. . .when you ant to travel then travel . . .when you want to go home keep traveling until you are sure that you want to be home and then go there.

It is neat that you seem to have this counter flux of passions . .. one will always keep the other fresh.

Man, I say that if you could ride out both these passions and you will never see a dull day.

Ride them! go! do both, everything and nothing.

Flights to Central America are cheap. Just picked up a flight from JFK to San Jose for $140. Not bad.

Mexicana Airlines through Cheaptickets.com

I will leave you with that.



Vagabond Journey.com