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04 March 2008

A Plan or a Gorilla In A Pantsuit

I am slowly working my way towards getting everything I want. What an interesting road. This weekend I made a decision. A plan. I'm going to do something. And I feel really good. It is a plan that has been a couple years in the making but it's mine and I'm ready.

The plan is this:

This summer (in 1 month, actually), I will move to Yellow Springs, Ohio. I will start working on 2 different organic farms, both of which I can get to on my bicycle. I will pick up a little work with my father and will start baking goods for the Saturday Farmer's Market. After the growing season, sometime in the fall, maybe October, maybe November, I will put on my walking shoes and head south. This is the part of the plan that has been in the making for some time. I have wanted to travel in Central America and Mexico for a long time but keep putting it off til later. But now (or in the fall really) is the time. I don't know when I will come back northward and at this point it doesn't really matter. It only matters that I head south and keep going til I'm done.

I like this plan. It's simple, easy and feels good in all the right places.

I'm kind of sad to leave Athens behind but it will always be here. And anyway, I was starting to get bored here, mostly cause I've been ignoring that southward pull for too long.

I have also finally resigned myself (happily) to the fact that I am a traveler. It is okay. If I don't keep moving, I begin to wither and die, slowly, imperceptibly, like a locust, I might look alive but if you flick me with your finger, I will shatter into a thousand pieces, the perfectly intact shell giving way to the perfectly hollow insides. That is, if I don't keep moving when I need to, and coming home when I need to. This is my rhythm and I've been doubting it, trying to force myself into forms and molds and patterns that don't suit me, like a gorilla in a pantsuit.

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