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04 April 2010

a new year

it has been a long time since i posted anything here. life has taken me down many bumpy roads, some quiet roads and around many unforeseen corners. it is spring again in ohio. i am living on the bike path -- the old railroad bed for the coal company that used to own these lands. the bike path between the plains and athens (a stretch of about 3 miles) contains some rich, beautiful, healthy woods. so far, i have seen dutchman's britches, turkey corn, trout lily, coltsfoot, red trillium, may apple, buckeye and many other plants i can't quite remember the names of. the last few days of warmth have turned the deep wooded hills green with life. april is really the best month to be alive in southeast ohio i think.

i quit my job today. and boy does it feel good. i'm not done working, but i'm done putting up with the craziness of the people i work for. i will stay for 1 more month in my current position for my current employers then be back on my own again. i am hoping to buy a catering truck -- a small one that fits my means and budget. something that is the scale of one lady with lots of big ideas and tons of skills.

i hope to finally -- for once in my life, to be working for myself, to create exactly the kind of life i've always wanted -- one filled with flexibility, abundance, creativity. i am an unconventional sort of gal and have always tried to take the safe road, getting a paycheck and driving myself crazy working for fools with good intentions. now, i want to work for myself (maybe i'm also a fool but at least it will be my own good intentions and foolishness making me crazy and not someone else's).

all is up in the air again. and i am happy. ready to look forward, move forward and shake myself free of the chains i have so foolishly chosen . . .

it is april in southeast ohio. the hills are turning green. the trees are coming out of hibernation. my skin is warm and i sweat freely in the sun. i am filled with hope and expectation and some sense that i am breaking out of a cacoon (cliche i know but it really is true) it is really this moment every year when it feels like the year begins again.

happy spring everyone and here's to new beginnings.